Santipur Primary Teachers Training Institute, a private self financed co-ed Teacher Training institution, is recognized by National council for Teacher Education (NCTE) and affiliated to the West Bengal Board of Primary Education.
This institute runs under the management of Achala Debi Social welfare Trust which is charitable in nature and registered under appropriate law. This institution is situated just beside the National Highway 34 with good communication facilities having nearest bus stop and railway station of 10 minutes walking distance. It has a lass green campus with serenity and natural habitation what makes everyone to feel at nature’s yard. Natural resources and modern amenities go hand in hand here. This Wi-Fi enable campus thus provides all to feel global seating on green grass under peaceful shadow of trees listing sweet song of country birds and breathing fresh air. Total campus is designed and operated in accordance with present NCTE norms and standard. At present the institution is composite in nature as per the NCTE Regulations 2014 and hence offers two teachers’ training courses simultaneously: one is two years full time D.EL.Ed. Course with 50 annual intakes and other is full time two- years B.Ed. course with 100 annual intakes in face to face mode of teaching- learning process.
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